Our Rooms
Nippers Nursery
Ages 0 – 15 / 18 Months
Our two Nippers nursery room are a place of nurturing and caring for babies. We work alongside our parents to ensure a smooth transition into our care, as we know this be a hard time for the children but also for mums and dads who are probably leaving their child for the first time. We work together with families to build bonds with the babies so they are happy and secure. We encourage transitional days so that families can come in and get to know the Educators and Carers of their babies. Routines are followed for each individual child and parents are our guides. The babies in our room enjoy a wide range of activities based around music, sensory play, gross motor activities, cognitive development and self help skills. Each child’s milestones are recorded and celebrated as well as other observations that are shared with the families through daily communications. With no shortage of love and care our babies experience a sense of belonging and trust in a fun filled day.
Ages 15 Months – 2 Years
The journey of the toddler. We are busy little people learning about the world around us. We encourage our toddlers to build bonds with their Educators who guide them in the obstacle course of learning to share the world with others and explore it in great detail so they may learn and grow. This is a time where we help your child become more independent and develop outstanding social skills. During their time in dolphins their language development increases immensely, and they begin to obtain a strong understanding of words, names of objects and they begin to follow simple instructions.
This is such an important stage in children’s development, they need security, stability and the support of caring Educators to reach these milestones. We care for each child as an individual and program activities and events for each child based on their own needs, interests and abilities. Age appropriate activities such as eating independently, painting, shape sorting, and blocks are planned for the children.
We work with families to develop social skills, separating well from parents, waving hello and goodbye, playing with and alongside peers. We explore arts and crafts, puzzles, shape sorters, sensory experiences, music and movement and above all we have fun together learning through play.
2-3 Years
Our 2 - 3 year old’s are making those little sneaker feet strides into independence. Our Educators encourage and guide them on their adventure of learning about turn taking, sharing and toilet training! The children are encouraged to explore their world and our Educators are there to see they learn from their explorations.
As the children in our Seals rooms are getting older they are developing their friendships, playing and interacting with the other children and are encouraged to use their decision-making skills with their ever-expanding communication skills.
Yellow and Green Starfish
3-4 Years
Our children are now aged 3 to 4 years and are having great fun in all our learning experiences. We encourage positive relationships and confidence, building on those fundamental skills to assert themselves using language and communication.
We foster aptitudes to promote independent learning with Educators who guide and support them in a nurturing environment. Our days are so busy! As a play base learning environment, practical and self-help skills and activities are part of our daily routine. We work to build our children’s confidence and willingness to engage in learning.
Red Starfish
4-5 Years
Our Kindergarten room assists the children in preparing for the transition to Prep and the world of Big School. Our Early Childhood Teachers utilises the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines and intentional teaching methods to encourage the children to be curious and eager learners. Promoting decision making and social skills, along with the confidence to ask questions and investigate. By observing and building positive relationships with the children, noting their interests, abilities, their actions, strengths and what challenges they are ready for allows us to plan developmentally appropriate activities. We like to make learners!