Music & Dance Programs
Music, Singing, Dance and Movement
Music, singing, dance and movement are part of our “everyday awesome” at Lollipop Lane - in all classes and across all age groups, in both planned teaching and spontaneous learning opportunities.
The benefits
Music, singing, dance and movement are an integral part of our “PLAY GROW LEARN” philosophy. Many don’t realize that just like traditional educational concepts like learning to read and write, music and movement, singing and dancing, play a very important role in a child’s development and have many important benefits.
Music and dance engages the brain
Children learn new things, like sounds, words and patterns through music. And with dance, they can explore and control their body movements. These activities are great for development and stimulate connections in the growing brain.
Music and dance helps cultivate communication skills
Bringing together kids with songs, rhymes and actions lets them discover how to interact and connect with others. They develop listening and social skills that will give them self-confidence and better prepare them for school.
Music and dance allows kids to express themselves
Are you happy, nervous, tired? Engaging in creative activities lets kids release their emotions and express their feelings. It’s a fantastic opportunity for children who aren’t yet able put their thoughts into words.
Music and dance helps foster physical skills
Our young musicians, singers and dancers learn skills like balance, control and coordination. Singing and movement is also wonderful aerobic exercise- linked to stress reduction, physical fitness and overall good health.
Music and dance contribute to creativity and imagination
With children spending more time in front of screens rather than physically playing, music and dance encourage them to be curious and imaginative. This creative outlet can also give them opportunities to learn about other cultures through the arts.
And also………..we have A LOT OF FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How we incorporate
How do we bring music, dance, singing and movement to the “everyday awesome”?
Music, dance and singing are an important part of the planned learning incorporated into our daily educational programs. Learning about animals, understanding our environment and the world around us, being kind to our friends………….so much of our early education programming creates opportunities for learning through music and dance.
And everyday we seek spontaneous opportunities too! Indoors and outdoors, rain and sun, learning or just for FUN, we look for those moments that inspire our little ones for song and dance.
Many special moments of the year we use as opportunities for our classes to prepare a song or a dance for our classmates and families. Mothers Day, Fathers Day and many other special holidays, you will be invited in to share our special moments.
We incorporate singing into many of the key daily and transitional activities as well. Families, when you are at the centre, listen out for some of the below!
Getting ready for lunchtime - “Thank you for the Food We Eat”
Washing our hands - “This is the Way We Wash our Hands”
Cleaning up our toys - “The Clean Up Song”
Group time - within our “Bora Circle”, we start with the Sassa clapping song, an acknowledgment of country and continue with a rich session of music, singing, rhymes, storytelling and more.
Transitioning inside and outside - “Everybody Walking, Walking, Walking” and more